Omar Franco, Executive Committee
Secretary of State of Election
Omar Franco is the Managing Director of Becker’s Washington, D.C., office. He currently represents a wide variety of clients including Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, higher education institutions, trade associations, non-profit organizations, and municipal governments. In 2019, and for the second consecutive year, Omar was recognized as a “Hired Gun” in The Hill’s annual list of Top Lobbyists.
Omar began federal lobbying as Director of Governmental Relations for the University of Miami’s School of Medicine and was then promoted to Assistant Vice President of Governmental Relations for the whole university.
Omar went to Washington full time when he was named Chief of Staff for Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL). He then joined Petrizzo Strategic Group as the lead government relations consultant for numerous companies, a Native American tribe, a pharmaceutical company, a state university, and various local governments.
Omar works with many Hispanic organizations that promote diversity and look to offer a voice to Hispanics in Washington and the country. Omar served on the Board of Directors for the Hispanic Lobbyist Association (HLA) where he is a past President and former Treasurer. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI), the Chairman’s Advisory Council of Friends of the National Museum of the American Latino and as Secretary for the Latino Coalition. Because of his work on numerous Hispanic issues, he was named by Latino magazine as a Power Player.